Law Firm ReklamJuridik
Advokatfirman ReklamJuridik is a Swedish boutique law firm founded in 1996, specializing in trademarks, advertising law, copyright and sponsorship.
The law firm offers registration of Swedish trademarks as well as EU-trademarks and handles litigation in IP matters and marketing law.
It is important that advertising agencies and other companies involved in advertising verify that a planned campaign is in compliance with Swedish legislation, such as the Swedish Marketing Act, the Copyright Act, the Trade Marks Act and the Act on Names and Pictures in Advertising.
With its profound experience and solid knowledge in this area, ReklamJuridik promptly and confidently gives legal advice.
Please contact Advokatfirman ReklamJuridik for further information.
Advokatfirman ReklamJuridik i Sverige AB
Åsgatan 15
271 31, Ystad
Phone +46-8-611 75 15